The diamond pattern on these knobs and handles sets the tone in a narrative firmly founded on warmth and exclusiveness. Each knob and handle in this range features the distinctive diamond patterned surface which, in addition to assuring an exceptionally good handle, presents an exclusive expression that is further highlighted by the attention to detail on both knobs and handles.
這些旋鈕和把手上的鑽石圖案為 溫暖和獨特 定下穩固的基礎。 每個旋鈕和把手都具有獨特的菱形圖案表面,除了確保把手品質異常好外,還呈現出獨特的表達方式,對細節的表現進一步突出了這一點。
It is actually the details on the knobs and handles that elevates these designs from the industrial genre, positioning them in a narrative of something more machined and refined – which is precisely what Jakob Kamper, the designer, intended.
實際上是旋鈕和把手上的細節設計來自工業風格,將它們定位在機械化和精緻的敘事中——這正是設計師Jakob Kamper的意圖。
Find it in three finishes
The range is available in two finishes: black, gold and antique brass. Each colour brings something different to the interior design, but a trait they all share is the truly elegant expression they convey.
Use Manor to add a dash of warmth to an industrial kitchen, to highlight the deep elegance of a rural kitchen, or to achieve another effect entirely.
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在另外三種產品中找到它 點我進入其他商品
MANOR 系列有兩種飾面可供選擇:黑色、金色和古董黃銅。 每種顏色都給室內設計帶來了不同的情緒表情 ,但他們都有一個共同的特徵是他們所傳達的真正優雅的表達方式。
使用MANOR為工業廚房增添一罃的溫暖,突出鄉村廚房的深度優雅,或完全實現另一種效果 。
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Inspired by nature, the organic shape of Slope seems to protrude straight from the cabinet making it an integral
part of the kitchen.