
這種設計兼具功能性和實用性,並具有非常乾淨和緊緻的表現。在 Rio 中,我強調了把手的經典元素,使其適用於任何廚房。腳、欄杆和曲線之間的比例和平衡非常重要。Rio直接而充滿活力——就像一條流動的河流。
商品編號: Rio-22-L164
供貨狀況: 尚有庫存




This design is both functional and practical with a very clean and tight expression. With Rio I have emphasised the classical elements of a handle to make it suitable to any kitchen. The proportions and balance between the feet, the rail and the curves are very essential. Rio is straightforward and dynamic – just like a flowing river.

這種設計兼具功能性和實用性,並具有非常乾淨和緊緻的表現。在 Rio 中,我強調了把手的經典元素,使其適用於任何廚房。腳、欄杆和曲線之間的比例和平衡非常重要。Rio直接而充滿活力——就像一條流動的河流。

Kamper Form

Jakob Kamper is the man behind the design studio Kamper Form. He graduated as an industrial designer at Denmark’s Design School (now part of The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation) in 2001 and his design studio is located in Ry. Kamper Form’s designs are based on the idea that form should be a living thing, make an impression and suit the interiors of today and tomorrow, and his designs have proved popular, especially at Skagerak, since Kamper Form often works in wood. The collaboration with furnipart has resulted in a large number of handles and knobs in the regular collection. For example, a handle like STATION is a beautiful example of Kamper Form’s timeless look. The handle’s clean lines function equally well in traditional and modern interiors and the handle itself completely changes in character when its colour is changed.

Jakob Kamper 是設計工作室 Kamper Form 的創始人。他於 2001 年以工業設計師的身份畢業於丹麥設計學院(現隸屬於丹麥皇家美術學院建築、設計與保護學院),他的設計工作室位於 Ry。Kamper Form 的設計基於這樣一種理念,即形式應該是有生命的東西,給人留下深刻印象並適合當今和未來的室內設計,事實證明,他的設計很受歡迎,尤其是在 Skagerak,因為 Kamper Form 經常用木頭工作。與 furnipart 的合作使常規系列中出現了大量的把手和旋鈕。例如,像 STATION 這樣的手柄是 Kamper Form 永恆外觀的美麗典範。


