Dekoudur Distil - FLUX金屬美耐板
Dekodur Distil is an exclusively curated brand of premium and distinctive German-engineered genuine metal laminates designed especially for the most discerning of clientele. FLUX, the innovative portfolio, headlines the brand with its compelling collection of laminates which aptly demonstrates how metals make magic.
德國工藝品牌 Dekodur Distil 最新打造的金屬美耐板,超越150年的層壓板技術,令人驚嘆的視覺效果和無比美麗的觸感設計,該品牌是 FLUX – 具有各種系列的創新且引人注目的產品。例如 LAVA熔岩結構、CRATER火山輪廓、 AQUA河流飄逸、MAGNETIC可寫磁性、VERTI垂直金屬、WAVE波浪金屬、REFLECTIVE鏡面金屬、MILL摩砂金屬、BRUSHED精緻拉絲…
Lava - Potely Engergetic
The way molten lava moves is an awesome sight! The Lava range of laminates from the Structures series captures this dynamic and gorgeous work of nature with its exceptionally picturesque finish.
Inspired by molten lava, which moves with such compelling intensity, such fervent vigour, the Lava range has been crafted to illustrate its innate potency. Inspired by this awe-inspiring force of nature, the surface of this Structures’ range needs to be admired up close, and it’s glorious to touch too.
熔岩紋理移動的方式真是令人驚嘆! Structures 系列的 Lava 美耐板以其異常美麗的表面捕捉了大自然的動態和華麗的作品。
Lava 系列精心打造其與生俱來的力量,熔岩的移動強度如此之大,熔岩系列的設計就是為了展現其威力。受到這種令人敬畏的自然力量的啟發,該結構系列的表面觸感也非常美妙。
DEKO FIRESAFE 裝飾防火經不易燃認證
The deko FireSafe solution is offered for many laminate designs. Essentially, a decorative HPL with deko FireSafe is classified, certified and patented as non-flammable. Highly recommended for the cladding of escape and rescue routes, stairways, electronic ducts, inspection shafts and other key areas in public facilities such as schools, kindergartens, hospitals and museums. (DIN EN 13501-1, A2-s1-d0, Patent No. 10 2014 116 984)
deko FireSafe 適用於許多層壓板設計。採用 deko FireSafe 的裝飾性 HPL 認證並獲得不易燃專利。學校、幼兒園、醫院和博物館等公共設施的逃生和救援路線、樓梯等區域皆可適用。
ECO-HPL 環保再生資源利用完全可回收
The world’s first CO2 neutral laminate, free from formaldehyde and phenol. The core of every sheet is manufactured from 100% biological secondary components obtained from renewable resources and is fully recyclable. Analysed and certified by the development and test laboratory for wood technology at Dresden, Germany, these laminates have a formaldehyde emission of < 0,002 ppm acc. (DIN EN 16516 1-2018) Many laminate designs can be produced as ECO-HPL.
世界上第一個二氧化碳中性層壓板,不含甲醛和苯酚。每張板材的核心均由 100% 從可再生資源中獲得的生物次級成分製成,並且完全可回收。這些層壓板經德國德勒斯登木材技術開發和測試實驗室分析和認證,甲醛釋放量低於 0.002 ppm,符合歐盟標準。 (DIN EN 16516 1-2018) 許多層壓板設計可以生產為 ECO-HPL。
MAGNETIC 環保再生資源利用完全可回收
A magnetic surface affords a variety of uses and applications. To achieve the optimum performance of the magnetic feature, a laminate sheet is embedded with a special metal core. When used with good quality magnets, the strength of attraction is high. The innovative magnetic feature can be added to many laminate designs through the use of the Raw Magnetic laminate.
Dekodur 層壓板適用於室內應用中的裝飾垂直表面,也適用於未嚴重磨損的表面。典型應用包括:牆面覆層、天花板覆層、家用家具、酒店和餐廳家具、抽屜前面、商店和公司的標誌、架子覆層、商店櫃檯和展示、門和門框表面、造船和客車配件等。
對於遭受嚴重磨損的表面,建議用玻璃或類似材料保護 dekodur 層壓板的表面。所有 Dekodur 層壓板都可以使用硬質合金工具進行鋸切、銑削和鑽孔。所有具有足夠多齒數和梯形/梯形鋸齒圖案的圓鋸片都適用。
在表面壓力機中黏合 dekodur 時要小心。
2. 壓制壓力 0.15 – 0.20 N/mm² (1.5 – 2.0 bar)
3. 層壓板表面和壓板之間有軟墊。
Vertically spectacular!
Make a sumptuous statement with a wall feature that's adorned with Reflective Rose Lava laminate. It oozes the right mix of opulence and elegance, setting the right tone for any special occasion.
Reflective Rose Lava
THICKNESS 厚度:0.9mm