Pagoda Knob

顏色:9005 - 黑色
長度:44 mm
商品編號: Pagoda Knob-9005-L44
供貨狀況: 尚有庫存



Pagoda Knob

The expression of both handle and knob has been determined by the material. I think of which production method the design must undergo in my search for the right form. Cast iron provides some very interesting possibilities that I have wanted to explore. I have found inspiration in tools, old machinery and craftsmanship and the outcome is a handle and a knob which have an almost architectural appearance. They are clearly linked but can just as easily be used on their own.


Kamper Form

Jakob Kamper is the man behind the design studio Kamper Form. He graduated as an industrial designer at Denmark’s Design School (now part of The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation) in 2001 and his design studio is located in Ry. Kamper Form’s designs are based on the idea that form should be a living thing, make an impression and suit the interiors of today and tomorrow, and his designs have proved popular, especially at Skagerak, since Kamper Form often works in wood. The collaboration with furnipart has resulted in a large number of handles and knobs in the regular collection. For example, a handle like STATION is a beautiful example of Kamper Form’s timeless look. The handle’s clean lines function equally well in traditional and modern interiors and the handle itself completely changes in character when its colour is changed.

Jakob Kamper是設計工作室Kamper Form的背後人物。 他於2001年畢業於丹麥設計學校(現在是丹麥皇家美術學院建築、設計和保護學院的一部分)的工業設計師,他的設計工作室位於Ry。 Kamper Form的設計基於這樣的理念,即形式應該是一個活生生的東西,給人留下深刻印象,適合今天和明天的內飾,他的設計已被證明很受歡迎,特別是在Skagerak,因為Kamper Form經常在木頭工作。 與furnipart的合作導致常規系列中有大量的手柄和旋鈕。 例如,像STATION這樣的手柄是Kamper Form永恆外觀的美麗例子。 手柄的乾淨線條在傳統和現代內飾中同樣有效,當顏色發生變化時,手柄本身會完全改變特徵。



