Delicate yet strong, D-Lite is a modern classic inspired by the familiar and versatile “D” handle. Refined and perfectly proportioned it is at home in any environment and on any surface.
D-Lite 精緻而堅固,是一款現代經典,靈感來自熟悉且用途廣泛的“D”手柄。精緻且比例完美,適合任何環境和任何表面。
Adam Laws is Australian and his studio is located in Sydney. His creative form concepts and innovative technical design solutions have been awarded over 20 design awards. His back catalogue of work includes brands such as Harley Davidson (USA), Youmans Capsule (New Zealand) and ChessPlus (Australia). Adam Laws is often inspired by Australia’s beautiful and wild nature. Several of the designs he has created for furnipart are inspired by the sea. For example, the MANTA handle’s characteristic curved shape is derived from the beautiful manta ray and the oval porcelain knob HALO’s discreet radial pattern is inspired by patterns on scallop shells. Adam Laws also designed the classic EDGE STRAIGHT, which has been part of our collection since 2012. The popularity of the EDGE STRAIGHT series has only increased over the years and this means that new colours and lengths are added on an ongoing basis.
Adam Laws 是澳大利亞人,他的工作室位於悉尼。他的創意形式概念和創新的技術設計解決方案已獲得 20 多個設計獎項。他的過往作品目錄包括 Harley Davidson(美國)、Youmans Capsule(新西蘭)和 ChessPlus(澳大利亞)等品牌。Adam Laws 的靈感常常來自澳大利亞美麗而狂野的大自然。他為 furnipart 創作的一些設計靈感來自大海。例如,MANTA 手柄特有的弧形造型源自美麗的蝠鱝,而橢圓形瓷質旋鈕 HALO 的低調放射狀圖案靈感來自扇貝殼上的圖案。Adam Laws 還設計了經典的 EDGE STRAIGHT,自 2012 年以來一直是我們系列的一部分。