
Door handles-水平把手( AQUALUNG_1791 contemporary )

隨著新型態有機形狀的創新,不同把手的發展已經正在體現。此系列提供了一個同時具有精緻和品味,並以最新的有機元素發展。Aqualung 是 MANDELLI1953 年與 Franco Poli 設計師合作誕生和創造的新型黃銅手柄。
此款的應用還提供了請求兩種選項把手的底座:圓形底座 及 長形底板(另外下單訂製)。

*** Mandelli 1953 為100%義大利製造質感精品

訂製時間與船期為接單後三個月到港 ( 實體店 商品展示中 )
MANDELLI1953 有機的形體宛如海豚的機能曲線~優雅而自然
商品編號: Door handles- Aqualung-Graphite
供貨狀況: 尚有庫存





French architects Agence Search have completed a water-sports centre beside the Seine with a roof of undulating waves.
A screen of wave-shaped louvers shades the building’s south elevation, creating dappled shadows on the lobby walls behind. Water is the unifying element of the entire project. Above the swimming pools the underside of the roof follows the curvature of the building’s structure.
The aquatic element, which appears at times as a mirror, at times in movement, is in dialogue with light, further enriching the users’ spatial experience.
the design of the mashrabiya,with its undulating lines, is a metaphor of the aquatic element.
It thus expresses the essence of the activity within.The curved forms, with their apparent simplicity and repetitive motif,
constitute a powerful identifying factor for the water sports center. From this point of view they embody the graphic identity of the building.
Agence Search 在塞納河畔設計水上運動中心,以起伏的波浪型作為屋頂,及波浪形百葉窗遮蔽了建築物的立面,
在大廳牆壁上創造出斑駁的光影,整個設計在游泳池上方 及 屋頂的下方遵循建築物曲線的結構。


後現代的斜體文化 傾角波浪的形體宛如海豚生物

Door handles-水平把手( AQUALUNG_1791 contemporary )

Made by Lorenzo Ponzelli and Francesco Valentini who worked on the concept of clean lines but present with character, The development of different models of handles has materialized with the introduction of new shapes not only in the classical sphere but also in contemporary production. The contemporary line, which offers a large collection with a refined and essential taste at the same time, is embellished with a new element.
Aqualung is the new brass handle by MANDELLI1953 born and created with Franco Poli designer collaboration. The application on the door
also provides in this case the possibility of requesting the handle in two options: rose or integrated plate.
隨著潮流的新形狀的引入,MANDELLI不僅在古典把手領域發展,積極在時尚風格的創新中成為頂尖,不同風格的門把手發展已經在具體實現 。
Aqualung 是 MANDELLI1953 年與 Franco Poli 設計師合作誕生和創造的新型黃銅手柄 。
海豚的有機流線形態完整的體現在此款把手,表現超現代的有機曲線風格 時尚優雅而自然  。

*** MANDELLI1953 為100%義大利製造質感精品 






“    Aqualung, a respirator. Biomorphism has always inspired me andin the ancient and modern Italic repertoire there is the dolphin    ”

“ Aqualung,有機流線形態一直啟發著我,在歐洲的古典與現代曲線造型中都有海豚的優美曲線 。”


designer : Franco Poli   點選設計師故事頁面
“  Aqualung, a respirator. Biomorphism has always inspired me and in the ancient and modern Italic repertoire there is the dolphin,
we find it in all the cultures of the Mediterranean; as a fountain, as a decoration and as a handle.
Bronze sculptures, large fountains or drinking fountains like that of Verrocchio in Florence,in Italy you can see thousands of dolphins in the squares.
Well, it seemed nice to me to take up such a widespread aquatic symbol in a modern and non-descriptive key, transferring only a sign, a part for the whole, a dip ... a wave.
This is Aqualung, an old designer's homage to our culture, the real one  "
“ Aqualung,有機形態一直啟發著我,在過去和現代的曲線中都有海豚的有機曲線,令人著迷,我們在地中海文化的建築藝術都能找到它;
韋羅基奧 1478年 創作噴泉上的裝飾青銅雕塑 ,且在義大利的廣場上可以看到數以千計的海豚型態設計 。
所以這就是 Aqualung,一位老設計師對歐洲文化的致敬,是一種純真的文化 ”








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