KAWAJUN 2024 Sereno Colletion
A state of being that expresses fulfilled desires and necessities. Inner equilibrium.
A scene, a landscape, a structure.
Recognizable geometry grants the comfort of familiarity.
The Sereno Collection is the interpretation of themeans to allow a space to exude the feeling ofserenity.
These humble hardware pieces presented take anabstract approach to express visual elements of linearity, interaction and transition.
Allow the textures and contours to soothe the physical domain .
Lever Handle with Rose-YBC
Material : Zinc Alloy & Aluminium
材質 : 鋅合金、鋁
金鼎建材 為您由日本原廠客製屬於自己的專屬門把手 獨一無二 流行領先 此款把手有多種不同配色與異材配置 歡迎依您喜歡的款式自由搭配 :
***本體(Base)飾面有8種+手把(Grip)飾面5種 處理顏色 :
KAWAJUN產品尺寸簡圖 >>
適用門厚:38-55mm / 指定門厚:下單時備註。
原廠編號連結 : https://kawajun.biz/en/hardware/finish/
GINDIING 訂單運費計算方式
- 消費金額未滿3000即會需要支付運費(此金額包含折扣後的金額)。
- 免運門檻視活動而變化,此區僅供參考,GINDIING有隨時變更運費及活動之權利。
- 其他,詳情請見主選單之【常見問題】。