Robust and chique
Our TENSE collection by Bertram Beerbaum is guided by a clean aesthetic that is as robust as it is chic. Every design in the series is unique while at the same time bearing the unmistakable TENSE signature. The core of every design is the cylindrical neck to which each rectangular lever is connected in its own unique way. This is thanks to our extreme high precision welding technique, which forms a secure joint between two very different shapes.
Bertram Beerbaum 的 TENSE 系列以簡潔的美學為指導,既堅固又別緻。該系列中的每個設計都是獨一無二的,同時帶有明確無誤的 TENSE 簽名。每個設計的核心都是圓柱形頸部,每個矩形槓桿以其獨特的方式連接到圓柱形頸部。這要歸功於我們的超高精度焊接技術,該技術在兩種截然不同的形狀之間形成了牢固的連接。
"正面鎖"門把手 應用範圍:
1. 大型儲櫃門取手
2. 隱藏門形式之浴室門內側手把
3. 精緻化大型抽屜
4. 其他背側不想看見螺絲頭的門板
GINDIING 訂單運費計算方式
- 消費金額未滿3000即會需要支付運費(此金額包含折扣後的金額)。
- 免運門檻視活動而變化,此區僅供參考,GINDIING有隨時變更運費及活動之權利。
- 其他,詳情請見主選單之【常見問題】。