Double glass handle 玻璃門雙面小把手( WATCH SERIES 系列 ) IN.00.172.V.KN.TG...
The new WATCH SERIES was inspired by the crowns of the watches and through its knurled finish, it conveys a character of precision and a pleasant touch in its use.
Its sturdy shapes, together with its texture, gives a strong look suitable for sophisticated environments.
全新 WATCH SERIES 的靈感源自皇冠手錶和通過其滾花表面,它傳達使用時具有精確的特點和令人愉悅的觸感。
***WATCH SERIES 系列產品 建議搭配使用同款取手與水平把手等...
*** JNF 為葡萄牙浪漫精品 訂製時間與船期接單後三個月到港